

MPP Han Dong Addresses how the Reliable Elevators Act affects OntariansPrivate Members’ Bill Up for Second Reading Debate Today In The董晗读辩 Legislature私人法案于今天在省议会进行二读辩论  MPP Han Dong has proposed amendments to both the Building Code Act and the Consumers Protection Act through his Private Members’ Bill 109 - the Reliable Elevators Act, 2017, to be given second reading later this afternoon.  Bill 109, if passed, would ensure the reliable service of elevators through provisions to standardize industry practices.  
安省省议员董晗鹏在其私人法案(第109号法案- the Reliable Elevators Act)中提出了对于建筑法和消费者保护法的修正案。今天下午,鹏议省议会将会对该私人法案进行二读。员提议如果通过,出私28大神第109号法案将会制定相应法规统一行业标准,人法以确保更可靠的案今加拿大28电梯服务。
Currently,天省 if an elevator is “out-of-service” for maintenance or repair, there is no regulation or bylaw that limits how long that elevator may be left inaccessible. With the boom in vertical communities across the province, both for residential and commercial purposes, access to operational elevators is essential for public safety and is a consumer’s right.  
Since MPP Dong first introduced his 出私Private Members’ Bill on March 22, 2017, there has been an outpouring of support from residents and industry stakeholders. Many individuals have come forward to share their stories as to how unreliable elevator service has negatively affected their lives.
Given the growing number of residents in high-rise buildings across Ontario,天省 it is critical for the province to address proper legislation for repair times ensuring the reliability of all elevators.
Another important aspect of Bill 109 is the amendment to the Building Code Act, which currently does not have specific language to address requirements for elevators. Anticipating the rapid growth of high-rise communities, architectural designs must ensure sufficient vertical transportation devices. 
Many developers already use elevator traffic analysis to advise their architectural designs and Bill 109 seeks to ensure these good design practices are reflected industry-wide. Therefore, if passed, the Reliable Elevators Act would call for mandatory elevator traffic analyses to be included in the building permit process for any building proposals of 7 storeys or higher.
As Bill 109 moves through the legislative process, MPP Dong is optimistic that it would begin a meaningful transition within the industry and provide opportunities for ministry and industry stakeholders to act on resolving this pressing issue.

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